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What we can do

We'll help you to look for a room

“Looking for a room”
“Cannot understand difficult Japanese”
“Cannot find a guarantor”

For real estate agents/supporters for foreign residents

We provide useful information in 9 languages, including “Moving Guides” “Rules & Manners for Living in Japan” etc.
Interpretation/Translation (Contact us at any time)


Address 〒231-8458 よこはまなかときちょう1-7

We Support Moving-in Procedures in Multiple Languages

We provide the manuals below

Moving in/out Manual
Flowchart when looking for rental housing
Rules for Moving
Information leaflet explaining what to keep in mind when moving
Living Guide for Foreigners
Useful information & basic knowledge for rental housing regarding;
-Post-Move-in Residency Rules and Manners
-Procedures When Vacating
Living in Rental Housing Rules
A pamphlet containing rules for living in rental housing
Deposit and Restoration
Manual explaining how to rent and use the housing, what to keep in mind when renting. Especially this manual explains important terms such as “Shikikin(Deposit) “, “Genjo-Kaifuku(Restoration) “ etc. in detail
Guide to Types of Rental Housing